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Aesthetic Procedures

bodySCULPT® is a leading plastic surgery practice in Manhattan, New York City (NYC), offering aesthetic procedures for upper eyelid rejuvenation. Drooping upper eyelids can make you look sad, tired and older than you really are. Smartbleph is the all new procedure which removes excess upper eyelid skin, tightens the surrounding tissues and gives your face a bright, youthful look.

Smartbleph Upper Eyelid Rejuvenation Procedure

Smartbleph - This new development is the result of the hard work and innovative research of the plastic surgeons at bodySCULPT®. Employing Cynosure's high tech Smart Skin laser, the excess upper eyelid skin is removed and the surrounding tissues that contribute to that tired droopy look are tightened. Compared to traditional methods of blepharoplasty, the new, improved Smartbleph is an easy and safe procedure to set right sagging upper eyelids.

Whether it is to remove the excess or loose skin that hides the natural folds of the upper eyelids, puffiness in the upper eyelids, and/or excess skin and fine wrinkles around the eyes, Smartbleph is the best option.

Aesthetic Procedures on Offer

We use Cynosure's SmartSkin Laser to perform the following procedures

The Smartbleph blepharoplasty procedure is relatively free of complications and can be performed under local anesthesia in 30 minutes. The procedure is performed at our AAAASF (American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities) accredited center in Central Park South, NYC.

We will be glad to help with any queries you have about the Smartbleph procedure. Please contact us at 1-800-282-SCULPT(728578) today to schedule a consultation with our plastic surgeons.

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